The Cross House was built in 1894. It is located at 526 Union Street, in Emporia, Kansas. I purchased the house in March 2014.

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My blog posts about the restoration are below.


The Cross House, Emporia, designed by architect Charles M. Squires.

The Cross House, Emporia, designed by architect Charles W. Squires.

Currently displaying blog entries in Chronological Order. Switch to Most Recent.

Currently displaying blog entries in Most Recent Order. Switch to Chronological Order.

A Curving Resolution?

                The drapes look terrible with the sofa, which doesn’t matter as the sofa will likely get moved to the Carriage House. And, yes, I need to steam the drapes. The drapes for the center window are being hemmed as they need to clear the radiator. I got…

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A Curving Resolution, Continued.

So, y’all know this by now: If Ross does not get something right out of the gate, he will ponder ponder ponder, and fuss fuss fuss, until brilliance is acheived.       So, Ross pondered and pondered and pondered and realized two things: 1): The drapes need to hang higher. 2): There needs to…

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Wanna Meet ALL My Kitchen Lights?

          I am soooooooooooo thrilled that I managed to find all these very simple, period-correct gas/electric fixtures, and an entire set of matching Holophane shades (kinda a miracle, really). The great magician, JR of Oregon, fully rewired the fixtures, converting all the gas jets to electric. He is the hero of…

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A Curving Resolution. Part III

The human brain is fascinating. It works even when we are asleep. As such, on occasion, when we first wake we might have a brilliant solution to a vexing problem, a warning, a new approach, and so on. I call these an EMA, or Early Morning Awareness. They tend to only work upon first reaching…

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A Curving Resolution. Part IV.


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Inching Along

    Next will be to finish off the column base I replaced a few weeks ago, and then to refinish the outer double entry doors. Dr. Doug refinished them in 2014, but the finish failed a while back. They have been flaking for years. I am going to sand them down, and then use…

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