Ooooh! Poor baby!

Sometimes I buy a vintage light just because I feel sorry for it.

Like this fixture.

It is from the 1920s. It had been rewired not long ago. Badly. Very badly. If anybody had tried to use the fixture it would have instantly shorted out. Scary.

There were also new white plastic candle covers. A cheap new chain from Home Depot. And after the recent rewiring the arms had not been properly re-attached so they hung at odd angles like drunks.

Poor baby. I just had to rescue it.



Pretty unimpressive. But I liked the lines, the highly exaggerated center vase, and long finial. Nice. Original ceiling mount, too!


Pretty baby!

Pretty baby! The arms have now sobered up, the candle covers are no longer plastic, and the chain is no longer cheap and new. However, the fabulous patina has not been touched!


My online store.


  1. gmf001 on May 23, 2015 at 6:17 am

    I can relate. I also restore old fixtures, though as a hobby, and for use in my 1884 Victorian home. Mostly older gas/electric combo fixtures. But I’m also a sucker for old fixtures in need of attention. I’ve lost count how many fixtures I have in my workshop awaiting attention. Likely around 40 or so, or in others words about 30 more than I need to complete the house! I consider this stockpile part of my retirement project.

  2. Larissa on June 11, 2018 at 8:40 pm

    “Sometimes I buy a vintage light just because I feel sorry for it”

    *sigh* This is how I ended up with a pair of monumental 1920’s polychrome chandeliers that were spray painted metallic silver. lol! I stripped and repainted one and am now trying to get enough energy to do the second one!

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