Little Bits


I posted this image yesterday. And noticed something. See the scrollwork above the stained-glass transom? See over to the right? It looks like a scroll is missing. And isn’t some scrollwork missing over a bit more, where the green painted cornice is (kinda in shadow)?



In the basement is an old box. A magical box! It is filled with bits-o-scrollwork which have fallen off the house over the decades. Rather than toss these bits out, successive owners picked them up and put them in the box. I want to kiss each person who did this. KISS! Well, today I climbed up the ladder with the box-o-bits, and tried to see if any of the missing scrollwork could be found.


And I am pleased to announce that we have a partial victory!!!!!!!! I found the upper portion of scroll for the part just above the ladder, but not the swirl below. Drat! But also yea! Over to the right, I found the entire missing bit!!!!!!!!

And I am pleased to announce that we have a partial victory!!!!!!!! I found the upper portion of scroll for the part just above the ladder, but not the swirl below. Drat! But also yea! Over to the right, I found the entire missing bit!!!!!!!!






  1. Tony Bianchini on August 15, 2016 at 6:51 pm


  2. Cindi M on August 15, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    Kisses for all who save bits and pieces that may be important. Down with minimalism. To the devil those who clean out such stashes!

    What an abundance of riches you have inherited, grown, in little bits and pieces, from the love, of all those came before you.

  3. Farlena on August 15, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Everything in this picture is awesome; all the different wood, the paint colors, and those little found scrolls, unpainted as yet…

  4. Melody on August 15, 2016 at 11:21 pm

    I was going to ask if there was missing pieces! It didn’t look right with that gap. Hopefully the magicians you have on retainer can work up some replacements!

  5. Deb on August 16, 2016 at 7:16 am

    Your attention to detail amazes me. It seems as if the house smiles with each development.

  6. MikeE on August 16, 2016 at 10:45 am

    It’s always interesting to see close-up pictures of your work. I would have guessed that the scroll was wood, not metal, and would have bet money that the flared apron at the base of the tower was metal, not wood.

  7. Seth Hoffman on October 18, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    That’s incredible that previous owners were so considerate to keep pieces like this.

    When I’m buying or making new material for our house (tile, millwork, etc), I always save some extra and pack it away in the basement. I know I would have loved to have spare parts, and perhaps someone else will appreciate my planning someday.

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