
Long-time reader Paddy, and her husband, Clyde, and their precious, Sadie, came by for a tour.

Long-time reader Paddy, and her husband, Clyde, and their precious, Sadie, came by for a tour. It was fun.


Paddy often reads the blog in bed. Clyde said: “she gets so excited and has to tell me about your latest post. So, while I’ve never read your blog, I know everything you’ve done.”






  1. mlaiuppa on May 4, 2024 at 1:05 am

    Wow, you certainly have had a wealth of visitors lately. Good, as you could probably use a bit of a break. I envy them the chance to see the Cross House in person, plus the Coach House. (Kisses to Sadie, you lucky dog, you.)

  2. Leigh on May 10, 2024 at 1:19 am

    Hugs to Paddy, Clyde, Sadie.

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