The Cross House was built in 1894. It is located at 526 Union Street, in Emporia, Kansas. I purchased the house in March 2014.

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My blog posts about the restoration are below.


The Cross House, Emporia, designed by architect Charles M. Squires.

The Cross House, Emporia, designed by architect Charles W. Squires.

Currently displaying blog entries in Chronological Order. Switch to Most Recent.

Currently displaying blog entries in Most Recent Order. Switch to Chronological Order.

It’s Baaaaaaaaaack!

    This project has been nagging at me for a decade. Y’all remember that the big curved glass was broken and needed to be replaced? But the window sill also needed to be replaced, AND the bottom rail on the sash. All were rotted, the only such instances on the whole house. But why?…

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Making Bo Happy

  But…drum roll, please…Bo was not happy. He thought the pendant would look better without the white shade (which was not original) and a return of the original, simple gas jet. The idea that I had made Bo unhappy caused me many sleepless nights, so y’all can appreciate my great delight…     Offending white…

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The Thin Green Line.

    The paint, clearly, did don’t match. But, I had no other green paint other than that for the exterior trim. After much ado. I realized…            

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Owning the Golden Gate Bridge

It has been said that painting the Golden Gate Bridge is an endless task. You start at one end, paint across the bridge, and then start all over again back to the other end. Rinse. Repeat. Well, this is the same with an old wood house.       Arriving at the house today this…

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The Joy of Empty Corners


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Pretty Things To Roll Around On

      I decided to purchase the rugs now rather than later as I grew worried that the stated sizes would not end up being the actual sizes. As has previously happened. This would be a HUGE issue as the oak borders are designed for the size of each rug. And, luckily, the actual…

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An Unexpected Gift

I received a box in the mail. Inside, carefully packed was something quite unexpected. It was a gift. A surprising gift. A note was attached.       This is needlepoint! And expertly, perfectly framed. I mean, even the back is stunning! I love the blue. Do I really swear that much? BAD Ross! I…

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Flooring Prep


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A plethora of Oak


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  Paddy often reads the blog in bed. Clyde said: “she gets so excited and has to tell me about your latest post. So, while I’ve never read your blog, I know everything you’ve done.”        

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A Visitor!

  I knew he was a long-time reader of this blog thingy. Also, he had mentioned that he had donated to my GoFundMe. But I found no such donations from him. “I might have done them anonymously.” That meant that I had no way to connect the dots. Nor to even thank him. GFM doesn’t…

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A Bat Knocking on the Front Door!


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Hall Update


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Shifting Doors


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Belated Updates

While it appears that I have recovered from having Influenza B, I am sooooooo not right. My energy is zip and has been all month. I am also just not, well, right. Like with something as simple as typing. I have now corrected the previous sentence. Here is how it first looked: Likewith somethinga simpleastyping….

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Poison Update

As y’all know, in August I discovered that I had lead poisoning. I learned that 3.5 is normal. Anything above 5 is considered a concern. And mine? 13.4. I abruptly stopped scraping off old lead paint from the Carriage House. A month later I had another test. The number had dropped to 11.6. In December…

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NOTE: I have NOT been kidnapped by aliens!

Rather, I have Influenza B, and have been knocked out since Saturday. Because the gods have, it seems clear, a cruel sense of humor, I have sold a number of lights since Saturday. Ny normal reaction? SQUEE!!!!! My reaction of late? Fuck! How will I get the energy to pack? A few nights ago I…

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More Evidence of Magic

      Some readers were doubtful of one ever turning up. This though ignores the well-known magic of the Cross House.      

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Houston, We Have A Problem

      We all pondered this. And pondered. And came up with various solutions from complicated and iffy to maybe-not-so-bad (like installing several large vents in the new sheetrock ceiling, to allow heated air to rise into the voids). Then I had funny suggestion:”Why not heat the whole space with the mats used to…

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