Movie Stars at the Cross House!


Something VERY interesting and VERY weird is soon to happen at the Cross House.

There are two people I have never met, two people who also do not know each other, who contacted me and said they wanted to travel across vast distances to visit the Cross House.


Ms. Davis

The first person, who I will call, ah, Bette Davis (she wants to remain anonymous), read my post from a year ago where I asked if there was anybody out there who could hem my draperies.

Ms. Davis said she could.

Oh. Oh!

At first I assumed I would mail the drapes to her.


Ms. Davis explained that she really needed a vacation and that she “wasn’t a beach kinda girl”. She also liked doing…unusual things, and thought that traveling very far to a small town in Kansas — Kansas! — to spend a week hemming draperies seemed fabulously unusual.

All she wanted from me was a tour of the house, and my company for one dinner.

Oh. Oh!

To compound this unusualness, Ms. Davis is driving from very far away. In the winter.


Mr. Grant

The second person, who I will call, ah, Cary Grant (another anonymous aficionado), emailed me just before Ms. Davis. Mr. Grant, whom I have known for about eight years but have never met, wanted to travel from very far away to also visit the Cross House and document some stuff.

Mr. Grant will arrive in a month and will, sensibly, be flying in.


The Globe

Now, what is the statistical likelihood of two people I have never met, two people who also do not know each other, traveling across vast distances at almost the same time to visit the Cross House?

AND, what is the statistical likelihood of two people I have never met, two people who also do not know each other, each being from the same area on the planet?


Earth. It is REALLY big. Very bigly. But these two people are BOTH coming from one area?


I mean, it would seem normal for Ms. Davis to come from that area, and Mr. Grant from, say, Paris. Right? Or Key West. Right?

But BOTH are from the same latitude and longitude????????

And BOTH are arriving about the same time?

And BOTH initiated these plans?

Baby, it seems that something really interesting is going on.

I am SO going be be playing the Lottery for the next thirty days.



  1. Sharol on February 9, 2017 at 10:17 am

    Wouldn’t it add to the story and keep their anonymity to share where your special visitors are traveling from?
    I’m curious…

    • Bethany Otto on February 9, 2017 at 1:12 pm

      It is circled on the map . . .

      • Sharol on February 9, 2017 at 3:10 pm

        Thanks. I read thru this quickly and didn’t see the circle. I was kinda hoping for some place like Australia.

  2. Elin Noller on February 9, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    I’m voting for a passionate love affair between Ms Davis and Mr Grant.

    • Bethany Otto on February 9, 2017 at 2:31 pm

      I thought the same thing!

      • Sharol on February 9, 2017 at 3:10 pm

        Me too!!

        • Ross on February 9, 2017 at 3:13 pm

          Poo. Third-wheel Ross.


          • Sharol on February 9, 2017 at 3:18 pm


          • Elin Noller on February 9, 2017 at 10:10 pm

            Now now Ross, you already have a passionate love affair with your house. Don’t be greedy 😉

          • Ross on February 10, 2017 at 7:19 am

            …good point!

  3. Mike on February 9, 2017 at 4:33 pm

    If Ann-Margret decides to visit, let me know! 😉

  4. Barb Sanford on February 9, 2017 at 7:56 pm

    Wow. What a coincidence! And if you don’t believe in coincidences, it is karma, or kismet, or fate. Either way, it’s very cool.

  5. Julia on February 9, 2017 at 8:24 pm

    Maybe they’re in cahoots and they’re going to take over the Cross house and use it for nefarious activities…a speakeasy or a house of ill repute! Keep us posted. I need to know how this story ends!

  6. Cody H on February 9, 2017 at 9:57 pm

    Methinks I have a pretty good idea who’s impersonating Cary Grant 😉

    • Celeste on February 10, 2017 at 12:48 pm

      Yep! 😀

  7. Miss-Apple37 on February 10, 2017 at 3:24 am

    This is awesome! I think many many of us would like to visit you and have a tour of the Cross House!

    Looking forward to this encounter! To be continued…

  8. Melody on February 11, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    If Steve McQueen decides to come for a visit, I will be there!!

  9. B. Davis on February 12, 2017 at 9:01 am

    Bette is in Wyoming! Getting closer!

    • Celeste on February 12, 2017 at 9:10 am

      Have a safe trip, Bette!

      • B. Davis on February 12, 2017 at 3:30 pm

        Thanks! Colorado now….I can almost feel Kansas…

      • Celeste on February 13, 2017 at 6:05 pm

        Are we there yet, Bette?

        • B. Davis on February 13, 2017 at 8:23 pm

          yes yes yes!!!!

  10. B. Davis on February 13, 2017 at 9:25 am

    Ok Ross, if I’m Bette Davis, are you Sean Connery, Dick VanDyke, Bob Vila or Tim Allen?

    • B. Davis on February 13, 2017 at 8:26 pm

      I met Ross today! I say he’s an awesome combo of all of the above, but he says he’s Ernest Borgnine.

      It’s 8:30, and I just finished “working” for about 3 hours on the curtains. Mostly, I held my breath in awe of the house and not believing I was really here!!

      It’s an honour.

      • Barb Sanford on February 13, 2017 at 10:33 pm

        I felt exactly the same thing when I visited the house for the first time. And that was in 1979, long before Ross owned it, when it was still a rooming house. I was absolutely awed by its beauty.

        Now that I’ve seen it again under Ross’ stewardship, it’s even more breathtaking. I am so glad for the Cross House — and for Emporia — that Ross has taken on its renewal.

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